Cayenne Pepper Powder


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Organic and fair trade cayenne pepper powder.

The benefits of cayenne pepper are plentiful! Try cayenne pepper tea this winter to stave off colds and keep your body’s heart and digestive system in top shape.

Excellent for heart and digestive health, cayenne pepper comes from the dried grounds of the hot chili pepper (capsicum annum). Our cayenne pepper powder, imported from Sri Lanka, is fair trade and certified organic. Cayenne provides a very high source of Vitamin A, along with vitamin C and the B complexes, calcium and potassium.

Health Benefits
Capsaicin, the active compound which gives the pepper its strong spicy character, has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, pain relieving, and anti-diabetic properties. With regular intake, it can also reduce triglyceride (fat) and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Good for your overall heart health, cayenne pepper stimulates circulation and is excellent for normalizing blood pressure and preventing the formation of clots.

Cayenne is great for your digestion too. The pepper aids metabolism by stimulating the digestive tract thereby increasing enzyme and gastric juice production. It also helps relieve excess gas.

In the Kitchen
Use cayenne pepper in curry dishes to give them that extra kick. During cold season, it’s useful to know cayenne pepper is a great natural decongestant as well as stimulant. For a total body detox, start your day with a cup of cayenne tea with lemon juice and honey.

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